I'll be checking out for a few days - if anyone cares to notice. We're going camping. In a tent. Again.
Now, don't get me wrong. Unlike many, many, many...(thinks to self, 'Yeah, one more should do it')...many women, I actually love camping. I like the time spent as a family doing things together at our own pace. I like how great it is to watch the kids discovering things on their own, not on television or at the mall. I like watching them maneuver the tricky landscape of campground friendships which are usually one part 'Wonder Years' and three parts 'Lord of the Flies'. I like nature and I like being outdoors.
But, when I want to come indoors, that's exactly what I want. Indoors. Not in-tent-flap.
We've camped for years, but in a travel trailer, fully equipped with all conceivable amenities. We spent our days outside and did all of the nature things, but at night it was great to have a quiet, safe place to go where we could shower in a bathroom of our own, make dinner in a kitchen, eat it at a table, turn on the A/C if it was hot and then curl up on the king-sized bed and watch a movie. Yes, a movie. Or the kids could go to their room and play video games. Yes, video games.
I don't care what you say. It's still camping!
However, a couple of years ago our travel trailer was sadly totaled in an unfortunate towing accident (we were not the ones towing it, BTW) and now we have been reduced to using a tent for scouting camp-outs. I'm sure I'll get used to it again, in time, but it is hard. So very, very hard. Practically like pioneer times. (I'm giggling right now. Can you hear me giggling?)
Anyway, I'll see y'all when I get home and hopefully have some gorgeous pictures to share. Have a great weekend.